is test tube baby procedure painful

Is test tube baby procedure painful

Test tube baby procedure or in vitro fertilization (IVF) process is a boon to many infertile couples around the world.

As with any medical procedure pain is also one of the possibilities of the IVF process. Yet pain is also a subjective experience for anyone undergoing IVF. For some injections scare the most and for some the medications do.

Instead of calling the test tube baby procedure painful, you can call it discomforting at times if speaking subjectively.

Pain During Test Tube Baby Procedure

With the sweet hope of having a baby at hand, many mothers consider the discomfort associated with IVF to be insignificant.

However, even when the pain of the IVF process is subjective it is essential to be aware of the discomfort associated with the process to manage the sensations better while undergoing the process.


Pain During Ovarian Stimulation Stage

During the ovarian stimulation phase, hormonal injections are prescribed to be administered almost every day until the period of ovulation.

These hormonal injections can be self-administered and cause a slight pinch-like sensation. If you are afraid of needles, you may feel hesitant toward these hormone shots.

Other than that, you will encounter hormonal fluctuations because of the hormone shots. Hormone level changes do not cause pain directly. They may cause some mild side effects such as bloating or nausea which can be countered through doctors’ help.

Pain During the Egg Retrieval Stage

While the eggs are retrieved you will be sedated mostly intravenously. You will not feel much pain during the retrieval process.

Mild cramping may accompany after the eggs are retrieved. These cramps are manageable with some rest or other relaxing techniques.

Pain During Embryo Transfer Stage

You do not have to worry about the embryo stage at all. The embryos are placed in the uterine cavity with no incisions required.

A small catheter is let into the uterus through the cervix of the vagina to transfer the embryos.

This stage may be followed by mild cramping and a little rest will heal the discomfort.

Emotional Pain Matters As Well

While talking about pain associated with test tube baby procedures both physical and mental pain have to be talked about. Mental or emotional pain matters as much as physical pain. Half of the battle is won in the mind while choosing to undergo the IVF process.

You choose to undergo IVF while knowing all the possibilities of pain present through and at the end of the process. You may or may not have a baby at the end of the process. But the hope of a baby that IVF promises sure outweighs all the pain, both physical and mental you can undergo.


You need all possible support when you undergo IVF.

First, you need yourself to support you, then your partner, family, friends, and above all your fertility specialist. You can always communicate to your fertility doctor about the fear of the pain you anticipate during the process.

Remember the result of a baby in your arms and your pains will be more than bearable.

Stay strong. IVF has got hope!

Why Choose Me?

You are not alone if you are frightened of taking up the test tube baby procedure. Many women raise this concern as much as they are passionate about having a baby through any means. As IVF Doctor I can understand this case of worry too well and we ensure that our patients get all kinds of required emotional support as they undergo their IVF journey.

We make sure that our patients feel comfortable in expressing their fears and anxiety as they embark on the IVF journey, and educate them regarding what the journey will hold and how we will help them through the phases of the journey.

Prioritizing the concerns of our patients has been a part and parcel of our service for decades and we are testaments for ministering unto thousands of couples facing the trouble of infertility and turning their dream of having a baby on their own into a reality.

Experience a safe, supportive, and healthy IVF journey with us.


You have to prepare both your body and mind for the IVF process. Eat fertility-enhancing foods, get proper sleep, stay hydrated, and abstain from alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine-based products. Also, surround yourself with positive vibes to stay away from stress.

You can continue with your normal activities after IVF. You need not take complete bed rest. But do not involve yourself in strenuous activities.


You will be asked to take medications if required upon consultation with your fertility specialist. Medications such as progesterone are prescribed after embryo transfer to ensure the implantation of the embryo.

4 failed iui now what

4 Failed IUI Now What

Are you tired of failing IUI repeatedly and thinking of giving up? Then this article is for you.

IUI is an assisted reproductive technology that has proven to have a high success rate in couples with minor infertility issues. However, sometimes, no matter how many times you try, IUI won’t be able to give you the desired results.

What do you do in such cases? Should you give up, or are there any other treatment methods you can opt for to become pregnant? Let’s discuss all these in this article.

After 4 Failed IUIs, What’s Next?

Failing once or twice in your IUI won’t affect you that much. However, failing 4 times repeatedly can take a toll on you, both physically and emotionally.

Most times, your fertility doctor will not allow IUI to fail more than once or twice. Your IUI success rate will also increase as the number of cycles increases.

This is because, after the first IUI failure, your fertility doctor will assess your condition and diagnose the root cause of the failure. This will help you avoid those issues and increase your success rate in future cycles.

However, if IUI doesn’t work for you, no matter how many cycles you undergo, it is best to look for other advanced treatment options like IVF, ICSI, etc.

Unlike IUI, where the sperm is injected into the uterus, and you have no surety that fertilization will happen, IVF and ICSI assure fertilization and quality embryos.

So, if you feel like IUI is no longer the right choice in your fertility journey, you can discuss it with your fertility doctor and choose the best alternative treatment option for you.

How Many IUIs Should You Try Before Moving On?

Your doctor will mostly recommend IUI if you or your partner have any infertility issues that make it difficult for you to achieve a natural pregnancy.

In such cases, you might have to undergo more than one IUI cycle to become pregnant successfully. So, how many cycles should you try before giving up and looking for other fertility treatment methods?

On average, your fertility doctor will recommend you try at least 3–6 IUI cycles before choosing an alternate method.

Alternative Treatment Options

Is IUI not working for you, no matter how many times you try? Don’t worry; even if IUI does not work for you, there are alternate treatment options you can go for to achieve pregnancy. Let’s discuss those methods one by one below. 

IVF (In vitro fertilization)

IVF is a revolutionary fertility treatment method that has given hope to millions of individuals and couples around the world. In IVF, the egg and sperm are collected from the partners, and the fertilization happens in a laboratory under the supervision of an embryologist. 

This method ensures that fertilization happens and only the best-quality eggs are transferred into the uterus for implantation. This can significantly increase success rates

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

ICSI differs from IVF only in the fertilization method. In IVF, the eggs and sperm are left in a lab dish overnight, and the sperm swims to the egg for fertilization. 

In an ICSI, however, a single, high-quality sperm is injected directly into a high-quality egg. This ensures that the resulting embryo is of high quality and increases the chances of pregnancy even more. 

Donor egg, sperm, or embryo

In cases where you or your partner have low-quality eggs or sperm, you can choose to use a donor egg or sperm in your place for fertilization. The egg or sperm will be collected from only highly fertile and healthy individuals. So, couples need not worry about the quality of the embryo. 

In cases where both partners have severe infertility issues, the couple can choose to use a donor embryo to achieve pregnancy. 


It is normal for you to feel stressed after repeated IUI failures. However, you don’t need to worry about it too much. There is still hope for you to get pregnant and have your own baby successfully.

Even if IUI does not work for you, you can opt for the other fertility treatment options we discussed above. Discuss this with your fertility specialist and choose the fertility treatment method that works best for you and your fertility condition.


After an IUI failure, your doctor will analyze and try to understand the cause of the failure. You will also feel tired after the procedure. You can take adequate rest, recover, and try IUI again after a few months.

According to studies, during each IUI cycle, your success rate will increase by 5–10 %. So, if you have a 25% success rate during your first cycle, you will have a 30–35% success rate in your second IUI cycle.

On average, it takes most couples at least two or three IUI cycles to successfully get pregnant. The success rate during the first IUI cycle will be around 20–25%. Your success rate will increase as the number of IUI cycles increases.

Is Unwanted 72 Harmful For Future Pregnancy

Unwanted 72 side Effects in Future Pregnancy

Women and men alike have many contraceptive options to use when they don’t want to have a baby. Unwanted 72 is one such contraceptive that can be a great option for women who have unprotected sex and do not want to get pregnant.

The main concern most women have regarding this pill is whether it will cause infertility and affect future pregnancies. In this article, we’ll look into what the pill is, how it works, and if it has any effects on your fertility.

Is Unwanted 72 Harmful for Future Pregnancy

Unwanted 72 is an emergency contraceptive that doesn’t affect long-term fertility. It’s safe for occasional use but shouldn’t replace regular contraception.

Does it Affect Fertility?

No, taking Unwanted 72 does not affect your fertility or your ability to get pregnant in the future. The pill only delays ovulation and prevents fertilization. You can start getting your period as usual and can try for pregnancy once you stop taking the pill.

However, this pill is not suitable to take on a regular basis as it can cause some other minor side effects like headache, cramps, nausea, breast tenderness, etc.

When Will Your Periods Come After Taking Unwanted 72?

This might be your most important question if you are taking Unwanted 72 pills to prevent pregnancy. When will I have my period after taking the pills?

You will generally have your period around 1 week after taking the pill. The day might vary by one or two days if you take the pill when you are closer to the date you regularly get your periods.

The pill can sometimes affect your hormonal balance, disrupt your natural menstrual cycle, and cause delays in periods. If your period is delayed by a long period, take a pregnancy test or consult a doctor to check for any complications.

Uses and Benefits of Unwanted 72 Pill

An Unwanted 72 pill is usually recommended when you need an emergency contraceptive after unprotected sexual intercourse. Below are some uses and benefits you can get from using it.

1. It is convenient

It is a convenient and affordable option for people who have unprotected sex and need to prevent chances of pregnancy.

2. It has lower risks

Unwanted reduces the risks of unwanted pregnancies and is more effective than some other contraceptives.

3. Timely aid

When taken during the right time (within 24–72 hours of intercourse), Unwanted 72 can provide you with timely aid and help prevent pregnancy.

Infertility Due to Birth Control Pills

This is one of the main concerns most women have when they take birth control pills. They fear whether these pills will affect their fertility in the future.

To put it in simple words, NO. Birth control pills do not cause infertility. They are only responsible for delaying ovulation and thickening cervical mucus to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg for fertilization.

The effects of the pill usually leave the body within a couple of days or weeks after taking them. Your body will return to normal, and you can try for pregnancy once you get your period.

Studies have proven that women who take birth control pills have as much chance of getting pregnant as women who have never taken the pill once they stop taking them.

So, if you can’t get pregnant after discontinuing birth control pills, it might be because you have other underlying issues. Visit a Fertility Doctor, find out the cause of infertility, and take the necessary treatments.

What is the Purpose of an Unwanted 72 pill?

Also called “the morning-after pill,” the unwanted 72 is a contraceptive pill that helps prevent pregnancy when you have unprotected sex or your contraceptive fails. It is a single-dose pill that contains Levonorgestrel, a synthetic progestin hormone that helps inhibit Ovulation or fertilization.

You should take this pill within 24–72 hours (1–3 days) of unprotected sex to take effect and prevent pregnancy. The sooner you take it, the better it will prevent pregnancy.


As a whole, Unwanted 72 pills are not harmful to your body and can be taken to prevent pregnancy. However, each woman’s body is different, and you might be more sensitive to the pill than other women. It is best to consult a healthcare professional before taking these contraceptive pills.


No, birth control pills do not affect your fertility or your ability to get pregnant in the future. These pills delay ovulation and prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg. Its effects leave the body about two weeks after taking the pill. You can try for pregnancy after that.

Some women may experience nausea, vomiting, lower stomach pain, fatigue, headache, diarrhea, dizziness, and uterine bleeding. The majority of Unwanted-72 Tablet’s effects fade over time. However, if the side effects persist, consult your doctor.

Unwanted 72 is a single-dose pill and will work if you take it once. However, if you suspect the pill did not work, you can take it again 12 hours after the first dose. Consult a doctor before taking it the second time to avoid any complications.

Any woman or girl of reproductive age may require emergency contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. There are no absolute medical reasons to avoid using emergency contraception. There are no age restrictions for using an Unwanted 72 pill.

7 Unsuccessful Implantation Symptoms of Fertilized Egg

7 Unsuccessful Implantation Symptoms of Fertilized Egg

We understand how hard you have tried to finally get an IVF treatment and reach the embryo transfer stage.

IVF, as a whole, is physically and emotionally draining. The two-week wait between embryo transfer and pregnancy results will be even more stressful.

It is natural for you to expect a positive result. But, sometimes, your IVF cycle might result in failed implantation.

But how do you know if the embryo transfer was successful or not? There are some symptoms that will help you identify your pregnancy results and take necessary actions.

In this article, we’ll see unsuccessful Implantation Symptoms and its causes so you can avoid them in your next IVF cycle.

7 Failed Implantation Symptoms of Fertilized Egg

Below are 7 Main unsuccessful implantation symptoms that you might have to look for after an embryo transfer.

Vaginal bleeding and stomach pain

Your menstrual cycle, accompanied by stomach pain, is one of the most obvious symptoms of failed implantation.

When your embryo fails to implant in the uterine wall, you start getting the same symptoms you get during your periods: cramps, nausea, headache, tender breasts, pain in the lower back, mood swings, etc.

These symptoms appear about 15 days after embryo transfer, followed by menstrual bleeding.

You should be aware not to confuse this bleeding with implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding will be more brownish or blackish and occurs when the embryo implants in the uterus.

On the other hand, the vaginal bleeding you get due to failed implantation will be lighter and last shorter than your regular period. In some cases they don’t have periods even after a month. But this is because of harmonial changes occurs in thier body due to medications.

Note: Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic pregnancy. It is better to consult a Fertility doctor if you feel any abdominal and pelvic pain or, in some cases, shoulder pain.

Negative pregnancy test result

Testing negative in the pregnancy test is a surefire way to know that your IVF cycle was unsuccessful. You should know that some of the symptoms we saw in vaginal bleeding may also result in successful pregnancy.

So, taking a pregnancy test is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not.

Pregnancy tests detect the HCG hormone levels that are secreted only when someone is pregnant. This can be done through urine tests (usually when you do the test at home) or blood tests (when you do the test in the hospital.)

Wait for about 2 weeks after embryo transfer to do your pregnancy test. Testing too early might give you negative results.

If you get negative results after 2 weeks of embryo transfer, then it is likely unsuccessful IVF.

Lack of activity during an ultrasound

If you are still unsure, you can visit your fertility doctor and opt to take an ultrasound scan. Some symptoms in ultrasound can also be signs of failed implantation.

Chemical pregnancy

A chemical pregnancy occurs when the embryo that has successfully implanted in the uterus stops developing further. This usually occurs within the first five weeks of pregnancy.

This can result in a positive pregnancy test, and you might not even know until you do an ultrasound.

Missed miscarriage

A missed miscarriage, also called silent miscarriage or missed abortion, occurs when you have a miscarriage, but your body doesn’t recognize it and expel the pregnancy tissue in the uterus.

This condition is very rare, and you may not even know it until you do an ultrasound scan. While Facing these types of abortion it is recommended to not to have sex unless you feel that you are normal after the physical stress of abortion.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy happens when the embryo starts developing outside the uterus (mostly in the fallopian tubes). This is one of the major risks of IVF pregnancies.

If it is not detected and treated early, it can cause the fallopian tube to rupture. This is a severe condition and may cause acute pain and severe bleeding.

You will still be tested positive in pregnancy tests if you have an ectopic pregnancy. So, take an ultrasound scan if you experience severe abdominal or shoulder pain.

Note: Regardless of what results you get during your pregnancy test, it is always better to take an ultrasound scan to avoid the above complications.

Absence of pregnancy symptoms

Another obvious symptom of failed implantation is the absence of obvious pregnancy symptoms like nausea, abdominal cramping, light bleeding or spotting, missed periods, etc.

It is important to note that all women experience pregnancy differently, and the presence or absence of these symptoms do not affect your pregnancy results.

causes of Unsuccessful Implantation

Implantation failure can be due to various reasons. You can’t save a failed IVF pregnancy. But you can understand why it failed and try to avoid those conditions during your future cycles.

Here are some major causes why your embryo failed to implant in the uterus.

Hormonal imbalances

Your hormones, especially progesterone and estrogen, are critical in regulating menstrual cycles and preparing your uterus for implantation. Any imbalances in their levels can disrupt their function and make it less favorable for embryo implantation.

Health conditions such as thyroid disorders, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), and hyperprolactinemia can affect hormonal balance and prevent implantation.

Uterine and tubal abnormalities

Your embryo might be in its best state, but if the uterine environment is not good enough to receive and nurture it, it will result in failed implantation.

Certain uterine or tubal factors, like uterine fibroids, scar tissues, adhesions, hydrosalpinges, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, etc., can result in recurrent implantation failure (RIF).

RIF is when a woman experiences at least three IVF failures, even with good-quality embryos.

These abnormalities can prevent the embryo from attaching to the uterus or disrupt the blood flow to the uterus. Either way, they result in failed implantation.

Chromosomal or genetic issues

Chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in the embryo may hinder it from implanting in the uterus. This condition occurs during both IVF and natural pregnancies.

This condition is more common in couples who are above 40 since there is a high chance their egg and sperm have chromosomal issues. It may also occur in couples who already have genetic issues.

Couples can opt for Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) to avoid these circumstances.

Lifestyle factors

Unhealthy lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol, underweight, obesity, and stress, can affect your chances of successful implantation.

Women who smoke have been found to need twice as many IVF cycles as those who don’t. Fertility doctors usually recommend women quit smoking at least three months before IVF treatments.

Obesity and underweight also negatively impact the implantation rate. Reducing your weight by about 5–10% can improve your implantation success.


Learning the symptoms and the causes of failed implantations can help you overcome them and take the necessary steps to avoid them in future IVF cycles.

You can start by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking your doctor’s support while you navigate your IVF journey.

Know that parenthood is your ultimate goal, and it is definitely worth it to make some minor life changes.

Frequently asked questions

If the eggs don’t implant into the uterine lining, they can’t get sufficient blood for further growth. They stop growing and are expelled from the uterus along with the endometrium. This results in menstrual bleeding in women.

In cases where the embryo doesn’t implant in the uterine lining, menstruation starts 10–14 days after the embryo transfer. You can consult your fertility doctor if this happens and identify what went wrong.

It has been found that the presence of autoimmune disorders and antibodies in the mother’s blood can reject the embryo, causing implantation failure, recurrent miscarriages, delayed fetal growth, and intrauterine fetal demise.

The days following an embryo transfer are very important. It will be better to take a few days off work to rest in bed. It may take a few days for an embryo to successfully implant, so taking it easy and having sufficient rest can help with the process.

7 Steps To Getting Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes

7 Steps To Getting Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes

What Are The 7 Steps To Get Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

Having a blocked fallopian tube can be a serious problem while trying to get pregnant. After sexual intercourse, your partner’s sperm has to travel through the fallopian tube to reach the egg. If there is a blockage, the sperm can’t reach its destination, and fertilization won’t happen. 

However, this does not mean that there is no chance of pregnancy. There are some methods you can follow to ensure you have a successful pregnancy despite having a blocked fallopian tube

Let’s look at seven of those methods below. 

1. Consult With A Healthcare Professional

As you might now understand, your fallopian tubes are very important to make pregnancy possible. You might not even be able to identify the cause of your infertility if you do not consult a fertility specialist.

So, if you have been trying for some time to get pregnant and failing, it is best to consult a fertility specialist. They can help you diagnose the issue and give you the required treatment in case of blocked fallopian tubes. 

2. Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery: Understanding Its Role

If you have had tubal ligation surgery in the past, it can also make you infertile. This surgery is done by “tying the tubes” so that fertilization does not occur. 

If you wish to reverse this surgery and be able to get pregnant again, you can undergo a tubal ligation reversal surgery and try for pregnancy. If there are no other complications, you can easily get pregnant soon after recovery.

3. Explore Fertility Treatments Such As IVF

Yes, fallopian tubes are essential for pregnancy. But it does not mean that there is no way to get pregnant without them. Fertility treatments such as IVF and ICSI can bypass the need for a fallopian tube, as fertilization happens outside the body. 

The developed embryo can be directly inserted into the uterus for implantation. This can help you get pregnant even if you have a fallopian tube blockage. Consult your doctor and check whether you need to undergo these treatments to get pregnant.

4. Lifestyle Changes For Fertility Improvement

Apart from undergoing fertility treatments, you also need to follow certain lifestyle changes to ensure you get the maximum out of your treatments. 

These changes include

  • Maintaining a healthy BMI,
  • Eating a healthy and nutritious diet,
  • Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet,
  • Avoiding or limiting intake of unhealthy foods like junk, fried, or processed foods,
  • Exercising regularly,
  • Avoiding smoking, drinking, or drugs during your treatments, etc.

5. Tracking Fertility And Ovulation Cycles

Tracking your fertility and ovulation cycles does not necessarily help you with a blocked fallopian tube. However, this can help you understand your ovulation cycles and check if you have any ovulation problems. 

You can also predict your fertility window and time your intercourse or fertility treatments accordingly.

6. Addressing Underlying Health Conditions

Apart from fallopian tube blockages, you should also check if you have any other underlying health conditions that can affect your chances of pregnancy. For example, endometriosis, uterine polyps, adhesions, etc., can also make it difficult to get pregnant. 

Identify these issues, treat them when you treat your fallopian tube blockages, and then undergo the fertility treatment your doctor suggests. This can increase your chances of pregnancy. 

7. Emotional Support And Counseling

Having blocked fallopian tubes and being unable to get pregnant can be depressing. It is best to have your partner and family by your side when you are going through this treatments. 

Having their help and support can help you relieve stress and stay strong. You can also attend counseling sessions with your partner.

Signs And Symptoms Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

There are no specific signs or symptoms you might experience due to a blocked fallopian tube. The most common sign is infertility, the inability to get pregnant. 

Other common signs and symptoms might include 

  • pelvic pain, especially during menstruation and ovulation,
  • Difficulty during urination, especially if you have PIDs (pelvic inflammatory diseases),
  • Ectopic pregnancy (in case you got pregnant), etc.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is best to not delay and consult your doctor immediately.


Understand that a blocked fallopian tube will surely make it difficult for you to get pregnant naturally. There are rare cases where women get pregnant, but it might lead to issues like ectopic pregnancies. 

So, it is best to consult your fertility doctor and understand what steps you can take to treat the issue and achieve pregnancy success. So don’t panic and follow your doctor’s guidance. 


Most times, the egg stays in the fallopian tubes and disintegrates if fertilization does not occur. It is then expelled during your menstrual cycle. However if fertilization occurs and the egg can’t reach the uterus, this can lead to ectopic pregnancies.

Yes, if your other fallopian tube is healthy and releases a fertile egg every month, you can very well get pregnant even if one fallopian tube is blocked .

This depends on your specific condition and the severity of your fallopian tube. It is best to consult a fertility doctor to clearly understand what medications you should take to clear fallopian tube blockages.

Diet After Embryo Transfer

Diet After Embryo Transfer

If you have been suffering from infertility issues and chose to undergo IVF to become pregnant, you know how important this treatment is for you. 

In that case, it is imperative that you do everytihng you can to ensure the treatment is a success. Now that the embryo transfer is complete, the next stage would be confirming your pregnancy. 

Although you can’t determine whether your IVF cycle will be a success, it is better to follow a healthy diet and prepare your body well to support and nurture the new life that will start growing inside. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the best foods you can eat after embryo transfer to nourish your health and your baby. We have also added some foods you should avoid during this period. So read till the end to learn more.

What To Include In Diet After Embryo Transfer

There is no definite food that you can and cannot take after embryo transfer. As long as it is healthy and does not contain ingredients that can harm your body, you can eat anything to your desire. 

However, there are some nutrients that you should definitely add to your post-embryo transfer diet. Let’s look at some of them below. 


As you already know, proteins are the building blocks of your body. They help build and repair tissues and aid in maintaining your overall health. This applies to the uterus, too. Proteins makes you uterus healthya nd suitable for implantation. 

Proteins also play a role in estrogen and progesterone hormone production, both of which are necessary for pregnancy. If you wish to add proteins to your diet, here are some healthy options for you.

  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Tofu
  • Lean meat
  • Fish (low-mercury fish)
  • Poultry
  • Eggs, etc.

Healthy Fats

Remember, not all fats are bad for your body. There are healthy fats, like mono and polyunsaturated fats, that can improve your health and help overall fertility, thus increasing your chances of pregnancy.

Foods like avocados, nuts and seeds, salmon, coconut oil, and olive oil are rich in healthy fats and can be very nutritious for your body. Also, try avoiding foods with unhealthy fats like biscuits, white chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

Fruits And Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients and should be a must-add in your post-embryo transfer diet. They are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, zinc, potassium, iron, and many more. 

All these nutrients can help improve your overall health and can also increase your fertility potential. Some healthy fruits and vegetables you can add to your diet chart are banana, pineapple, broccoli, spinach, etc. 

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are rich in fiber and aids in digestion and nutrient absorption, unlike simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates do not cause blood sugar spikes and provides sustainiable energy to your body. 

You can include complex carbohydrates like whole grains (oats, brown rice, quinoa, fruits, vegetables, millets, legumes, etc., in your post-embryo transfer diet. 


Hydration is a crucial factor to ensure a healthy bodya nd a successful pregnancy. Take lots of water and other liquids and stay hydrated throughout the day. 

You can also have fruit juices or other healthy drinks to get enough nutrients and stay hydrated during this period.

Foods To Limit Or Avoid

All the above foods are very good choices to have after your embryo transfer. Likewise, there are also certain doods that can have an adverse effect on your IVF preganncy. 

Let’s look at some of those unhealthy food choices below. 


Excess caffeine has been shown to affect your hormone levels and affect your fertility. This can adversely affect your implantation rate during IVF. It is okay to have coffee, but take it in limited amounts. 

Processed Foods

Processed foods are high in sugars and other artificial chemicals. They can severely affect your IVF success rate. Avoid them during your IVF treatments. 

Raw Or Undercooked Foods

Raw or undercooked foods might have bacteria and other germs that might be harmful to your body. It is best to only eat foods that are fresh and thoroughly cooked.

Foods High In Mercury

Mercury can affect your healthy and fertility and make it difficult to get pregnant. Mercury is usually found in certain seafood and enters our body when we eat it. Some examples of high-mercury fish are sharks, swordfish, king mackerel, etc.

Ensure you go for fish varieties with low mercury, like catfish, pollock, salmon, shrimp, etc. 

Soy Products

Soy products can disrupt your hormone levels and affect your embryo implantation rate. It can also affect the development of your baby. So, avoid soy products like soy milk, soy powder, soy meat, etc., during IVF treatments. 


The diet you follow after embryo transfer is a crucial part of your IVF journey. These foods are the ones that give you energy and help you sustain pregnancy andgive birth to a child. 

So, ensure you include healthy foods in your post-embryo transfer diet. If you have doubts regarding what you can and cannot eat after embryo transfer, discuss it with your fertility doctor immediately.


Here are some good food choices you can include in your diet after embryo transfer.

  • Protein-rich foods
  • Healthy fruits and vegetables
  • Foods rich in healthy fats
  • Foods rich in complex carbohydrates

Here are some fruits you should avoid after embryo transfer.

  • Papaya
  • Dates
  • Mangoes
  • Lemons
  • Kiwi 

Yes, you can eat curd after embryo transfer. It is rich in calcium and helps with your body’s overall health.

Though your particular diet does not affect embryo implantation that much, it is necessary to follow a proper healthy diet to ensure no complications arise after embryo transfer. 

Certain unhealthy foods can affect your IVF success rate and even cause IVF failure.

4AA Embryo Success Rate

4AA Embryo Success Rate

Embryo transfer is the most crucial stage of the IVF procedure, and it determines whether your IVF treatment will succeed. Therefore, the embryo that is going to be transferred during this procedure needs to be of the best quality. 

This is why fertility doctors usually use a grading system to evaluate embryos and rank them based on their quality and structural features. The embryo with the highest rank is believed to have the highest chance of success. 

In this article, we will discuss the success rate of embryos graded “4AA” and what are the other factors that influence the success rate of an IVF treatment. 

The Average Success Rate Of Pregnancy With 4AA Embryo

If you have a 4AA embryo, then congrats, you have a high chance of success in your treatment. This is because the embryos with rank 5AA and 4AA are the highest-ranked embryos and have a higher chance of success. 

On average, an embryo ranked 4AA has a 60–65% chance of successful implantation and pregnancy, with a live birth rate of about 50%. 

First, let’s understand what the number and alphabets in the grade “4AA” represent and how we derive that it is the highest rank. 

Let’s take “4AA” for example. Here

  • “4” represents the blastocyst development stage (ranks ranging from 1 to 6, with 5 being the best one)
  • “A” represents the inner cell mass (ICM) score (ranks ranging from A to C, with A being the highest)
  • The second “A” represents the Trophectoderm (TE) score (Ranks ranging from A to C, with A being the highest).

So, here, a 4AA embryo means that the embryo is of the best quality with good structural and developmental qualities. Transferring this embryo will increase your chances of a successful pregnancy. 

Factors Influencing Success Rates

Though you have tried hard during your fertility treatment and have done everything in your power to ensure success, sometimes, things don’t work according to our plan. 

There might be some factors that you have overlooked that can affect your IVF success rate. Below are some of those factors. Ensure you check all these factors and be at your best during embryo transfer. 

Your age

Your age is something you can do nothing about. Your fertility gradually decreases with age. So, it is inevitable that you have a lower success rate than other younger women undergoing IVF. 

You can consult with your fertility doctor and take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe pregnancy. 

Embryo quality

Although the embryo grading system is mostly accurate and can give you better results, there might be chances that the embryo has other defects that can influence your IVF success rate. 

Uterine receptivity

After all the hard work you have done for IVF success, if your uterus is not ready to implant the embryo and support its development, everything will go to waste.

So, ensure you check your uterine receptivity and undergo embryo transfer at the right time. 

Hormonal imbalance

As you already know, your hormones will be high during this period. This can affect the development of your uterine lining and affect the implantation rate. 

Lifestyle habits

Your unhealthy lifestyle habits, like smoking, alcohol, obesity, etc., can affect embryo implantation rate and affect IVF success.

Underlying medical conditions

If you have any underlying medical conditions like uterine fibroids or endometriosis, it can also affect your IVF success rate. You should first diagnose and treat any medical conditions before starting your IVF treatments. 

Positive Aspects Of A 3AB Embryo

As we have discussed above, embryos with the grades 4AA or 5AA have the highest chances of success. However, it does not mean that other embryos are not of good quality. 

For example, an embryo with the grade 3AB also has a good chance of implantation. If the timing is right and the uterine environment supports it, this embryo can very well implant into the uterus and develop into a healthy baby. 

You need to understand that IVF success does not just depend on the grades of your embryos. Embryo grading is just a part of IVF. There are still other factors that you need to consider to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth. 


Embryo grading is an effective method to assess the quality of the embryo and choose the best one for embryo transfer. This step has proven several times to increase the success rate of IVF procedures. 

4AA is a good embryo grade and can ensure a high success rate. However, don’t worry if you have a low embryo grade. You can discuss the issue with your fertility doctor and take the necessary steps to improve embryo quality and increase your chances of a successful pregnancy. 


On average, an embryo ranked 4AA has a 60–65% chance of successful implantation and pregnancy, with a live birth rate of about 50%.

Below are some common factors that can influence your IVF success rate.

  • Your age
  • Embryo quality
  • Uterine receptivity
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Unhealthy lifestyle factors
  • Underlying medical conditions

An IVF treatment is generally considered safe if you manage to cross the first twelve weeks (first trimester) without any complications. After this period, there are very minimal chances of having any other issues, and your pregnancy will mostly be smooth and healthy.

After How Many Days IUI Pregnancy Is Confirmed

After How Many Days IUI Pregnancy Is Confirmed

One thing common about IUI and your exams is that you have to wait for some days to get your results. 

After an IUI procedure, you will be asked by your fertility doctor to go home. However, they would have explicitly advised you not to take a pregnancy test early and wait for certain days before testing for pregnancy. But di you know why?

There is actually a valid reason for your doctor asking you to wait for some days before taking a pregnancy test. In this article, we will discuss the significance of this waiting period and some methods you can use to test for pregnancy. 

How Long Does It Take To Confirm Pregnancy After IUI?

Generally, after an insemination procedure, your fertility doctor will advise you to take a pregnancy test roughly 2 weeks (10–14 days) to confirm pregnancy. This is mainly to give the sperm enough time to fertilize the egg and for implantation to occur. 

Below is a detailed reason why you should wait for two weeks before taking a pregnancy test. 

Reasons Behind This Timeframe

First, you need to understand what happens in your body after insemination to clearly know why you should wait to take a pregnancy test. So, let’s look at it in detail here.

  • During insemination, the washed and processed sperm will be injected into your uterus. 
  • The healthy sperm will quickly swim to the fallopian tubes and fertilize the mature egg waiting there. 
  • The fertilized egg will then travel to the uterus and implant into the uterine lining. 
  • After implantation, your body will realize the pregnancy and start to release the pregnancy hormones (hCG hormones) into the bloodstream to support the pregnancy. 

When you take a pregnancy test, the test kit will measure your hCG levels to determine pregnancy. So, you need to give your body time to release enough hCG hormones to get accurate results during the test. 

By the first week, fertilization and implantation would have been completed. Within the next 4 or 5 days, your body will have released enough hCG hormones to be identified by the pregnancy test. 

So, stay calm during these two weeks and don’t rush into taking a pregnancy test. You will probably only get false results. 

How To Confirm Pregnancy After IUI?

When it comes to taking a pregnancy test, there are two common ways to determine pregnancy. Both these tests are accurate for some degrees and can help you get the right results. 

Pregnancy Urine Test

First is the urine pregnancy test. This test is very simple and can be done at home. You don’t need any special medical kit for this. You can easily get a urine pregnancy test kit from a medical store near you. 

Taking this test is also not very difficuly. You only need to place a drop of your urine in the designated area in the kit. It will measure the hCG hormone levels in your urine and tell whether you are pregnant or not. 

This test is mostly valid and can give you accurate results. However, sometimes, the test kit might have expired or might give false results. In that case, to avoid uncertainty, you can use another method to confirm your pregnancy. 

Pregnancy Blood Test

A blood pregnancy test is another more advanced and accurate test to determine pregnancy. You can’t do this test at home and you need to visit your fertility doctor. 

In this test, your fertility doctor will take your blood sample for analysis. Like the urine pregnancy test, this test will also measure the hCG hormone levels in your blood to determine pregnancy.

Factors Affecting Test Timing

Although the general waiting period to take a pregnancy test after IUI is two weeks, there are some factors that can influence this timeline. These factors can either give you accurate results much quicker or delay when you can get your pregnancy result. 

Below are some of those factors.

Timing of embryo implantation

Your body will only start releasing hCG hormones after implantation. If the implantation happened early, you might get pregnany result even before two weeks. However, if the implantation was delayed, you might have to wait a few more days to get accurate results. 

Hormone levels

The hCG levels in your body also determines when you can get accurate results from the pregnancy test. If your body is releasing the hormones slower than normal, then it might take some time to reach the level that the test kit can detect and confirm pregnancy. 


It is understandable for you to be more eager to know your pregnancy test results as soon as possible. However, everything should be done at its own pace and you should not hurry things. 

Stay calm, stay healthy, and follow all the measures your fertility doctor advised you to. Your doctor and their team will definitely make sure you walk home with your baby in your arms. 


You can discuss with your doctor and know what symptoms women usually experience during pregnancy. You can also take a urine or blood pregnancy tests two weeks after the procedure to confirm pregnancy. 

It is best to wait for two weeks after the procedure to test for pregnancy. However, in some cases, women can determine their pregnancy results as soon as 10 days after the insemination procedure.

After IUI, you might start experiencing pregnancy symptoms as early as one ot two weeks after the procedure. Sometimes, you might not experience any symptoms. Don’t panic and visit your doctor for a checkup.

Yes, you can test negative 14 days after IUI and still be pregnant. This might be due to any of the following issues. 

  • The pregnancy test kit is faulty
  • You body has not released enough hCG hormones for the test kit to recognize
  • The fertilization and implantation process was slow, so it takes time for your body to release enough hCG hormones.
Second IUI Success Stories

Second IUI Success Stories

IUI is a lifesaver fertility treatment for couples who have been unable to get pregnant. It is an effective fertility treatment for couples or individuals with minor infertility issues and has a considerably higher success rate.

However, even with all the preparations, you might still have an IUI failure. Though it can be a distressing issue, it happens, and there is nothing we can do about it. We can only find out the cause of failure and ensure it doesn’t happen in the next cycle. 

In that case, the second IUI cycle has been known to have a higher success rate and has been shown to help women achieve pregnancy. Let’s learn more about this second IUI in this article.

Second IUI Success Stories

Kavitha and her husband have been trying for around two years to get pregnant. However, all their attempts failed. They suspected that they had any fertility issues and visited Dr. Rukkayal for a fertility consultation. 

That is when they realized that Kavitha’s husband had poor sperm motility and that his sperm could not reach the egg. They were very worried but were assured by Dr. Rukkayal that it was a very minor issue and could be rectified after some treatment. 

They decided to undergo IUI to get pregnant. However, their first IUI cycle failed. When looking into the cause, they identified that the timing of insemination was not right. 

They did not give up hope and tried for IUI again. This time, they hit the nail and successfully got pregnant. Now, Kavitha has a cute baby girl and is living happily with her family. 

Reasons Behind The First Unsuccessful IUI Cycle

In the majority of the cases, the first IUI cycle has only about 20% success rate in women under 35 years of age. This is mainly attributed to their health and fertility issues that make it difficult to achieve pregnancy. 

Here are some of the most common reasons why your first IUI cycle might fail. 

  • Increased age results in a decline in fertility
  • Poor egg or sperm quality
  • Ovulation issues
  • Poor sperm count, motility, or morphology
  • Underlying medical conditions like PCOS, uterine fibroids, polyps, etc
  • Incorrect timing of insemination
  • Genetic or chromosomal factors
  • Unexplained infertility issues

All these factors can affect your fertility and your success rate in IUI treatments. You need to assess your body carefully and identify if you have any of these issues. Treating it before your next IUI cycle can increase your chances of pregnancy.

Alternative Treatment Options, If Needed

You can, at most, undergo three to four IUI cycles to see if you can get pregnant. However, if the procedure doesn’t work for you and you have difficulties getting pregnant, then it is better for you to choose other advanced fertility treatment options to get pregnant. 

IVF (in vitro fertilization)

IVF is the advanced level of fertility treatment that is preferred when you have serious fertility issues. Unlike IUI, where only sperm is collected, IVF involves collecting both eggs and sperm and fertilizing them in a laboratory. 

The developed embryo will be transferred into the uterus to develop into a pregnancy. This method is more controlled than IUI and has a higher chance of success. 


ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

ICSI is a type of IVF where, instead of placing the sperm and eggs together in a dish for fertilization, a single, healthy sperm is collected to be injected into the egg. 

This method is preferred in case of male factor infertility and ensures that the best sperm and egg get fertilized, thus increasing the chances of success even more.

Donor sperm or eggs

In case either or both you and your partner have very poor-quality eggs or sperm, you can speak with your doctor and use donor eggs or sperm for your IVF treatment. 

The above three methods are some effective fertility treatment options that you can choose in case you have difficulty succeeding in IUI. You can discuss with your fertility doctor and choose the most suitable fertility treatment for your condition.


IUI is a slightly complicated procedure. Though its success rates are high, it does not mean that it works for everyone. However, don’t give up on your first cycle. You can still go for another two or three cycles to determine whether IUI is the right choice for you. 

Remember, the fertility doctor you choose also plays a role in your IUI success rate. So, ensure you choose the best fertility doctor in the field of fertility treatments. 

What is the purpose of clexane in fertility treatment

What Is The Purpose Of Clexane In Fertility Treatment

Infertility is increasing nowadays, and getting pregnant is becoming more and more difficult. One such issue that many women face is recurrent miscarriages or recurrent implantation failure (RIF).

There are several medical interventions that are administered during fertility treatments to prevent RIF and increase the chances of successful implantation.

In this article, we’ll discuss Clexane, a drug that has been shown to increase the chances of pregnancy in women with RIF.

Clexane In Fertility Treatment

Before learning what role Clexane plays in fertility treatments, let’s first understand what clexane is.

Clexane (enoxaparin) is an anti-coagulant or blood-thinner, a drug doctors use to prevent blood clots in your system. It is usually administered in patients with medical conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolisms.

It is also used in bedridden patients who don’t move much and have a higher risk of blood clots. In fertility treatments, Clexane is mainly used to prevent blood clots that can cause miscarriages.

How Does Clexane Work In Fertility Treatment?

During fertility treatments, some women might have a higher risk of blood clotting in the placenta. This might happen due to excess synthetic estrogen in the body (due to hormonal injections) or due to other related disorders like Factor V Leiden, thrombophilia, or Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome.

Your doctor will first analyze if you have any of these blood-clotting issues and whether you have had recurrent miscarriages in the past. Based on the results, your fertility doctor will administer the drug.

A notable method of administering this drug for women with recurrent miscarriages is the Bondi Protocol (administering Clexane along with the steroid Prednisolone).

You will probably start taking these medications on the day or 5 days before your embryo transfer procedure. Sometimes, if the risk is high, you might even have to start them from the first day of ovulation induction. These injections should be taken till you reach at least 12–16 weeks of gestation.

These injections come in pre-filled syringes, and you can take them subcutaneously on your lower abdomen. The injection might bruise, so talk to your doctor or keep an ice cube ready while taking it.

What Are The Advantages Of Clexane In Fertility Treatment?

The main advantage that Clexane has in your fertility treatments is its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots in the embryo and placenta. It has also been shown to increase implantation rate in women.

Clexane, by preventing blood clots, also improves blood flow in the uterus. It is also an immunosuppressant and suppresses any immune dysfunctions that might arise and affect implantation.

You will only be administered 20mg of Clexane a day. This low dose is to make the drug only mildly immune suppressive and provide other implantation benefits.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Clexane?

Yes, though Clexane is beneficial to women with recurrent implantation failures, there are also some side effects you should be aware of. Below are some side effects you might experience due to Clexane injections.

  • Bleeding gums and coughing up blood
  • Difficulty breathing and swallowing
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Nose bleeds
  • Increased bleeding during menstruation
  • Red or dark brown urine


Clexane is an effective drug that can be used to facilitate implantation in women with recurrent implantation failures. However, it also has its own side effects.

Discuss with your fertility doctor, understand the pros and cons of using the medication, and then decide whether it is necessary for you.


Clexane is believed to help prevent blood clot formation in the embryo and placenta. It has also been shown to promote embryo implantation. Thus, fertility doctors administer clexane in patients who have a higher risk of miscarriages to improve success rates.

No, clexane does not cross the placenta and reach the baby. So it does not affect your pregnancy.

You will be administered approximately 20 mg of clexane every day from the start of your IVF treatment till you reach 12–16 weeks of pregnancy.

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