The journey through menopause is unique to each woman, and there is frequently no beginning or end point that can be pinpointed. For some, it’s over in a reasonably short amount of time. It may be some years for some people before they experience their final period.
There are approximately 34 symptoms and signs of menopause that are said to be experienced by women when they reach this stage of life, even though menopause can have a variety of effects on different people.
These are the primary alterations in both one’s physical and mental state that take place during menopause. Some of these are more prevalent than others, and the severity with which they are experienced can range from moderate to severe.
What are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause?
1. Hot flushes
One of the most common symptoms of menopause is a condition known as hot flushes. When you suddenly get a flush of heat, it can feel like your body is heating up to dangerous levels.
It makes you feel hot and flustered, and it’s possible for the redness to appear on your face, neck, and chest—something that can make some women feel embarrassed.
Sometimes it may seem like this occurs for no apparent reason, and other times it may be linked to particular triggers such as hot beverages or spicy foods.
It is unknown why hot flushes occur, but they are believed to be related to the fluctuations in estrogen levels during menopause. These may affect the hypothalamus, which is responsible for regulating the body’s temperature.
2. Night sweats
Night sweats are a term used to describe hot flushes during the night. These things can occur while you are sleeping, causing you to start sweating heavily and suddenly jolt awake.
The occurrence of night sweats can be very disruptive to a woman’s sleeping routine. Night sweats, like hot flushes, are brought on by hormonal imbalances that interfere with the body’s ability to regulate its temperature.
3. Irregular periods
A woman enters menopause when she has stopped having periods and cannot get pregnant naturally. One of the earliest symptoms of menopause that you might notice is a change in the regularity of your menstrual cycle.
You will first notice a change in your periods, which will then progress to becoming more unpredictable before finally ceasing altogether. Because this process can take years, you may have period problems for a considerable time.
4. Mood swings
The transition into menopause can bring on a variety of mood shifts and swings for many women.
These can be much more severe than those experienced during your period, and they can hurt your mood, leaving you feeling down, anxious, irritable, sad, or angry. They can also hurt your fertility, making it important to recognize the signs of high fertility in women to manage your reproductive health effectively.
5. Breast soreness
Symptoms of menopause can include breast tenderness or soreness, similar to those experienced during pregnancy or periods. This is a consequence of stress and fluctuations in hormone levels.
You might feel achy, have a dull ache, or experience sharper pains due to this.
6. Decreased libido
During menopause, it is common for a woman’s sexual drive to shift. However, some women do experience an increase in their sex drive, while others report a decrease in either their sex drive or their libido as a result of menopause.
7. Vaginal dryness
Dryness in the vaginal area is a very common symptom of menopause. This is because there are lower levels of the hormone estrogen in the body, which is responsible for the natural lubrication of the vagina.
As estrogen levels drop, vaginal dryness increases. In the absence of it, vaginal tissues gradually thin out and become more prone to irritation, both of which can make sexual activity unpleasant and even painful.
8. Headaches
Hormonal shifts may contribute to headaches by setting the stage for their onset. These headaches, while common, can sometimes be quite debilitating.
Suppose you suffer from what is known as “hormone headaches” during your period. In that case, you have a greater chance of also experiencing headaches during menopause because hormones play a role in both of these conditions.
9. Tingling extremities
Pins and needles, also known as tingling, can be caused by hormones that have an effect on the nervous system. This can manifest itself in your hands and feet. This may feel like tingling or numbness to you.
10. Burning mouth
It may sound unusual, but a hot mouth is one of the 34 signs of menopause to look out for. This can affect the roof of your mouth, tongue, and lips, causing a burning sensation, hot mouth, or metallic taste.
This symptom is thought to result from reduced saliva production during menopause and is sometimes called ‘burning mouth syndrome.’
11. Changes in taste
Menopause can occasionally cause changes in a person’s sense of taste. Changing hormone levels can be to blame for this problem, as they can influence your mouth’s environment.
12. Fatigue
Another common symptom of menopause is extreme fatigue, also known as chronic tiredness. If night sweats prevent you from getting a good night’s rest, you will almost certainly be exhausted during the day.
Your fluctuating hormone levels, such as those of estrogen and progesterone, can have an effect on your energy levels, leaving you with a lethargic and exhausted feeling.
13. Bloating
It’s not uncommon for women to experience bloating during menopause, whether due to water retention or gas. Due to this, you might notice that your feet and ankles are puffy or swollen.
Try to drink a lot of water and reduce the amount of salt you eat so you don’t get bloated.
14. Other digestive changes
If you have noticed gas bloating as a menopause symptom, you may also experience digestive problems such as stomach aches and pains, cramping, nausea, constipation, and diarrhea.
Various factors, including the change in hormone levels during menopause, can cause these symptoms.
The natural rhythms of our digestive process can be disrupted by fluctuating hormone levels, which can also cause us to feel stressed. The elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol can also harm our digestive processes.
15. Joint pain
Joint discomfort, including stiffness, aches, and pains, is a common menopause symptom brought on by a decline in estrogen levels.
16. Muscle tension and aches
The onset of muscle tension is another potential side effect of menopause. It is believed that this is because of the increased levels of stress that occur during menopause.
Because a lot of this tension and anxiety can be carried in the muscles, it can cause you to tense up, causing you to feel tight or sore.
17. Electric shock sensations
Electric shocks are one of the 34 symptoms of menopause that sound the most peculiar to the average person. Electric shocks are a symptom that has been reported by some women who are going through menopause.
The exact cause of these shocks is unknown, but researchers believe it may be due to estrogen’s effect on the nervous system, which causes neurons to misfire. You may get electric shocks before you start having hot flushes.
18. Itchiness
Oestrogen has a role in the hydration and creation of natural oils and collagen that keep our skin looking young and healthy. Estrogen levels in the body have an impact on the health of our skin.
When estrogen levels drop, the skin may become dry, itchy, sensitive, and irritating.
19. Sleep disturbance
Insomnia and trouble falling asleep are definite indicators of menopause. Hot flashes and night sweats are frequently to blame for sleep issues, but menopausal women also frequently experience difficulty falling asleep, non-restorative sleep, and early morning awakenings.
20. Difficulty concentrating
It’s not uncommon for women going through menopause to struggle to concentrate and lose focus during this transitional period. Suppose you have trouble concentrating on tasks at work or daily activities.
In that case, this may result from decreasing estrogen, affecting your brain’s energy levels and ability to concentrate.
21. Memory lapses
Temporary memory loss is another effect of menopause brought on by the brain’s decreased estrogen levels. Fatigue may also make you more forgetful than usual, worsening the situation.
22. Thinning hair
During menopause, hair follicles become smaller due to a decrease in the levels of estrogen and progesterone, both of which contribute to the growth and maintenance of hair. This causes the hair to become thinner and eventually fall out.
23. Brittle nails
If you’ve noticed that your nails are chipping or breaking more easily than they used to, this could be another sign that you’re entering menopause. The keratin layer of our nails becomes more fragile due to fluctuating estrogen levels.
Because keratin is responsible for maintaining the strength, health, and hydration of our nails, a lack of it can cause our nails to become brittle and weak.
24. Weight gain
Women who are going through menopause notice a drop in oestrogen levels. This decrease is responsible for a change in metabolism, which leads to a loss of muscle mass and an increase in fat, particularly around the middle. The body weight may rise as a result of this.
25. Stress incontinence
Menopause may change the way you urinate. There is a possibility that you will experience an increase in the frequency or urgency of your urination. This is a common symptom experienced by women going through menopause, but it is treatable through physical therapy.
26. Dizzy spells
Menopause is frequently accompanied by dizziness. Hot flushes, exhaustion, dehydration, and blood sugar levels may intensify this effect, making you feel dizzy.
27. Allergies
The symptoms of allergies and hay fever can become more severe during menopause, which may sound strange to some people. The connection between hormones and the immune system is blamed for this phenomenon.
If you are someone who suffers from allergies, you may be more likely to experience an increased reaction once you reach the age of menopause.
28. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes a weakening of the bones, which in turn causes them to become more fragile, brittle, and susceptible to fractures.
The decrease in estrogen that occurs during menopause is a major factor in the development of osteoporosis. Oestrogen plays an important role in forming and preserving healthy, robust bones.
When there is less estrogen in the body, bone density decreases, and as a result, bones become less robust and more brittle. This indicates a correlation between menopause and an increased risk of osteoporosis.
29. Irregular heartbeat
An irregular heartbeat or an elevated heart rate can occur during menopause. This results from an overstimulation of the neurological system brought on by low estrogen levels.
Generally speaking, this is nothing to be concerned about, but if your heart is a concern, talk to your doctor.
30. Body odor
When a woman reaches the age of menopause, her hormones begin to change, affecting her natural scent and the amount of sweat she produces. This can result in a change in her body odor.
31. Irritability
Irritability is a symptom of menopause that affects a large majority of women. It’s normal for all of us to feel irritable occasionally, but if you’ve noticed that it’s happening to you much more frequently than it used to, it could be a sign of menopause.
Your mood, levels of stress, and blood sugar levels can all be affected by hormonal shifts, which is why this is happening.
32. Depression
Because of the changes in hormone levels that occur during menopause, there is an increased likelihood that a woman will develop depression.
Talk to your primary care provider if you are concerned or observe that your depressed mood lasts for an extended period, is severe, or prevents you from enjoying things that you normally would or from going about your day-to-day life.
33. Anxiety
In addition to severe mood swings, some women — roughly a quarter to a third of all women who go through menopause — experience anxiety during this time.
34. Panic disorder
Menopause is said to cause panic attacks in certain women. Though not a typical symptom, this one can disturb menopausal women, especially when it occurs together with worry and heart palpitations.
These are the 34 signs and symptoms of menopause, which are the physical, psychological, and emotional effects of the shifts in hormone levels that occur in the body during this time.
Talking to your primary care physician or a chemist is a good idea if you’ve noticed a lot of these symptoms and are having trouble controlling the menopause symptoms that you’re experiencing.
Menopause symptoms can be distressing, but there are a variety of treatment options and lifestyle changes that can help support your body, make the symptoms easier to manage, and alleviate some of the distress.