The embryo transfer is the last stage of your IVF treatment. If you have recently undergone embryo transfer, you might feel certain symptoms that can make you worry if they are good or bad.
One such symptom is abdominal pain, especially on the left side of your abdomen. Having abdomen pain after embryo transfer can make you worry if it indicates IVF success or failure.
In this article, we will discuss all about having abdominal pain after an embryo transfer, including its causes and what you can do to alleviate the pain. Read till the end to know more.
Causes Of Left Side Lower Abdomen Pain After Embryo Transfer
Having left-side lower abdominal pain after an embryo transfer can be an alarming issue. However, it is best not to come to conclusions until you thoroughly understand the cause of the pain.
Below are some of the major causes of abdominal pain after an embryo transfer.
Cramping during implantation
Implantation cramps happen when the transferred embryo implants successfully into the uterine lining. During implantation, the embryo will put some pressure on your pelvis as it burrows deep into the endometrium.
This can cause lower abdominal pain. This pain is temporary and will disappear after a short time.
OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)
OHSS is a serious ovarian complication that occurs due to the fertility medication you take during IVF. Your ovaries might sometimes overreact to the medication and produce more number of eggs than necessary.
This might also make your ovaries swollen and painful. This can also be a cause of abdominal pain after embryo transfer.
Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that grows inside your uterus sometimes grows inside. This can be a bit painful and can be another cause of abdominal pain after embryo transfer.
If you have been diagnosed with this issue, ensure you get treated for this condition first before trying for IVF. This can save you both time and money.
PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
Though embryo transfer is performed under completely sterile conditions, there are rare chances that you might contract an infection in your reproductive organs. This is called a PID.
PID can cause lower abdominal pain along with other symptoms like fever, nausea, unusual vaginal discharge and odor, etc.
Ovarian cysts
If you have a condition called PCOD and have cysts in your ovaries, this can cause pain and discomfort after your embryo transfer. It is best to treat the condition before starting your fertility treatments.
How To Get Relief From The Left Side Lower Abdomen Pain
Having left-side abdominal pain after embryo transfer can be a worrying issue. However, there are some remedies you can follow to relieve this pain.
Rest well
Your body will be exhausted after IVF treatments. So, rest is very crucial. Take adequate rest and take it easy on yourself for a few days after embryo transfer.
Stay hydrated
Dehydration can also cause abdominal cramps and constipation. Take a lot of liquids and always stay hydrated.
Warm compress
If you feel abdominal pain, you can place a warm compress on your belly to relieve it. The compress can relax your muscles and reduce cramps.
Relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation can also help relieve body pain and reduce any discomfort.
Over-the-counter medication
If all the above methods don’t relieve your abdominal pain and you wish to take medications, there are some over-the-counter medications that can help you relieve abdominal pain.
However, don’t just go to a medical store and buy the medicine by yourself. Consult your fertility doctor first. They will prescribe medications that won’t harm your chances of having a successful pregnancy.
Consult A Doctor
If you feel like you have severe abdominal pain that lasts for several days and does not get better, it is best to consult your fertility doctor and get the issues tested.
They will give you a thorough diagnosis and identify the cause of the pain without any issue to you or your baby. This can also help you understand what issues you need to take care of in your future IVF cycles.
Having mild abdominal pain after embryo transfer is normal, and most women experience it. So you don’t need to worry about whether it will affect your chances of having a healthy pregnancy or a baby.
You only need to worry if the issue persists and becomes severe as days go by. It is best to learn beforehand about all the symptoms you might experience after embryo transfer. This can help you be prepared and avoid any sudden fright because of these issues.
Having abdominal pain after embryo transfer is normal, and it might happen for the following reasons.
- Cramping during implantation
- OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)
- Endometriosis
- PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
- Ovarian cysts
Implantation cramps happen when the transferred embryo implants successfully into the uterine lining. During implantation, the embryo will put some pressure on your pelvis as it burrows deep into the endometrium.
This can cause lower abdominal pain. This pain is temporary and will disappear after a short time.
Here are some tips you can follow to relieve abdominal pain after embryo transfer:
- Rest well
- Stay hydrated
- Warm compress
- Relaxation techniques
- Over-the-counter medications