IUI Success Symptoms Day by Day

IUI Success Symptoms Day by Day
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A fertility journey is a mixed emotional part of every couple’s life. After your fertility treatment, you will be super excited to get happy news from your doctor after getting a pregnancy test.

Now it’s time for you to share your happy news with others; after completing your IUI, you may experience different symptoms that lead to pregnancy.

In this blog, you will get to know what are the symptoms you will be attaining for a successful pregnancy.


What are the Symptoms after IUI Day by Day?

Every day after the successful IUI treatment, you will be experiencing different symptoms,

Day of IUI treatment

The sperm is injected directly into the female uterus through the cervix for a successful fertilization. So, you might get a chance of slight cramping and spotting.

Day 3 after IUI treatment

On day 3 some women may have mild cramping and bloating. You should take a complete rest for a better result. Avoid weight lifting activities, heavy workouts and sexual activities.

Day 6 to 10 after IUI treatment

After completing the day 6, you will experience a difference in your body.

    • Cramping:

      You will feel cramps when the egg implants itself in the uterine lining. So, this is also a positive symptom of a successful IUI.

    • Implantation bleeding:

      You will get light bleeding due to implantation. But you should not consider it as your menstrual bleeding.

    • Breast tenderness:

      You will tend to feel the tenderness and slight pain in your breast, which you will experience the same as in the time of menstrual.

    • Bloating:

      The body will experience bloating due to hormonal changes.

    • Basal body temperature changes:

      After the IUI process, your body will react to the treatment and get a chance to increase its temperature level.

Day 14 after IUI treatment

On day 14, you might get a chance to confirm your pregnancy,

    • Morning Sickness:

      Vomiting and Nausea are the signs of early pregnancy. Women may often get vomiting by taking any type of food or drink. This will continue through the entire pregnancy.
    • Food Intolerance:

      Due to the hormone changes, you will be more sensitive to smel compared to your normal times. You can easily feel the smell, which makes a stronger fragrance.
    • Fatigue:

      This is due to hormonal injections like progesterone, which will always keep you too tired and lazy. It is also an early sign of your successful fertilization.
    • Frequent urination:

      The uterus starts to grow when you attain your pregnancy, then it will put pressure on the gallbladder, causing frequent urination.
    • Missed periods:

      When the embryo gets its implantation successfully your periods will get stopped, and you will attain your pregnancy.
    • Changes in vaginal discharge:

      Sometimes, you will experience a thicker or stickier vaginal discharge. This is due to the hormonal changes that react within your body after a positive pregnancy.


What to avoid after IUI for a Successful Pregnancy?

Sometimes, you might not know what to follow and what should be avoided after the IUI process. Here are several steps to be avoided after the treatment,

Avoid taking painkillers

Pain after IUI treatment is common, but you should not take any pain reliever tablets to control your pain or to increase your pregnancy rate. It will better if you have a heating pad in your lower abdomen for pain relief and take a bath with warm water that will keep you relaxed. 

You can also do breathing exercises for 3 to 6 minutes and simple meditations that help to get relief from the pain.

Avoid unhealthy foods

Intake of caffeine after your IUI treatments will disrupt hormone regulations and also have a chance to impact ovulation and egg quality.

Avoid eating unhealthy foods like raw foods, uncooked foods, outside foods like junk, unhealthy fats, and over-added sugared foods and drinks. This will cause indigestion and cause critical problems during pregnancy. You should avoid taking pineapple and papaya, which is not good for a successful pregnancy.

Protein-rich foods like whole wheat, fruits, and vegetables help with proper digestion and promote a healthy body. Before preparing your food chart, you can get confirmation from your healthcare provider.

Avoid heavy exercise

Doing mild exercise like yoga and slow walking will keep you relaxed. But you should avoid doing heavy workouts like pushups, speed walking, running, jogging, and weight lifting. They will affect your implantation process and give you a chance for failure.

You should avoid swimming where the unclean water contains bacteria and microorganisms that will cause vaginal infections.

Avoid stress

Always live in a happy and peaceful environment to avoid stress. Avoid getting stressed often, which will impact your fertilization. Communicate often with your partner, family, and friends about your emotional feelings to get rid of stress.

Hearing some peaceful music and watching natural outdoor scenery will keep your mind calm and free.

Say no to Alcohol and Drugs

Drinking alcohol or any other drugs and smoking will affect the egg quality, and the eggs will not be available for fertilization. This also reduces sperm quality and motility, which will cause a crucial risk at the time of fertilization. Better avoid consuming drugs for a successful pregnancy through proper fertilization.

Never skip your medications.

Always take your medicines regularly, which will help you for a successful pregnancy after the IUI procedure. You should not stop your medications even once a day until your doctor tells you.

If you experience any side effects or other symptoms while taking medicines, you should immediately report your doctor and get consultations according to the instructions. Never skip medicines without the knowledge of your fertility doctor.

Other things you must consider after IUI

Other than medical considerations, you should be careful when doing other activities.

Be Hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated is the most important thing. If your body gets dehydrated, then it also has a chance of affecting your fertilization. You can also take coconut water and fresh juices like apple, and pomegranate which will help for a healthy pregnancy.


Stop exposing yourself to Radiation

Avoid taking unnecessary scans like X-rays which will affect your fetus. Move away from electronic gadgets like mobiles, TVs, laptops and micro ovens. Always be careful while using and staying near electronic devices.

Meet your doctor at the right time

Always meet your doctor at the time and have your checkups properly to avoid risks in future. Follow up on the doctor’s advice and change your lifestyle according to it. If you face any issues after the treatment, you should meet your doctor immediately.

Proper sleep

Maintaining 7 to 8 hours of sleep will keep your body active and healthier. Taking complete rest after the IUI treatment will help you to increase the chance of getting pregnant. Avoid taking long travel that will affect your implantation process.


Getting a success rate of pregnancy after IUI treatment will easily happen when you, too, make full efforts with your doctor and follow the steps that were recommended.

You should not panic when you get mild symptoms after the treatment because there is a chance of getting pregnant. But before confirming the symptoms of pregnancy, you can visit your doctor for the proper confirmation.


No, it is not compulsory to have symptoms after IUI. But this will not indicate that you will not get pregnant. Some women without having any symptoms after the treatment also have a chance of attaining their pregnancy. The symptoms for women will differ from person to person according to their health condition.

The symptoms after the IUI treatment will appear about a week or two after IUI. The symptoms will be mild, and slight pain is a sign of positive pregnancy. But if you face any severe pain, then you should consult your doctor immediately.

Picture of Dr. Rukkayal Fathima
Dr. Rukkayal Fathima

Dr Rukkayal Fathima, India's Leading Gynaecologist and the best fertility doctor in Chennai. She has 11+ years of experience and treated 1000+ patients. She finished her M. S., Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Madras Medical College), Chennai. She is a visiting consultant at St. Isabelle Hospital, Motherhood Hospital, Rainbow Hospital & Mehta Hospital. Dr Rukkayal Fathima specialises in Obstetrics care, Early Pregnancy Scan, IVF, ICSI, TESA/Micro TESE, Menopause advice, Gynaecological surgeries and endoscopy. She is a Co-Founder of Hive Fertility, the Best Fertility Center in Chennai.

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