Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI)

icsi Treatment
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Couples may undergo various infertility issues, and in some cases, they couldn’t find any positive results. But now you don’t want to get worried about this; this is the treatment that will give you a positive response even after you fail in IVF procedures.

In this blog, you will get to know about the process, procedures and the role of ICSI for infertility problems.

What is ICSI?

ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is a treatment that occurs in the laboratory where a single sperm is collected from the male and directly injected into the matured egg. ICSI treatment helps many couples with male infertility problems.

Who needs ICSI?

There are certain reasons for ICSI treatment.

Male infertility issues

Males who face problems with

  • Low sperm count
  • Abnormal shape of sperm 
  • Poor motility.

IVF Failure

Couples who undergo IVF treatment and fail then will move to the next step for ICSI treatment. The IVF may fail due to 

  • Poor fertilization
  • Egg penetration
  • Issues with sperm binding with the egg

Procedures in ICSI

Several procedures will be followed for the treatment.

Ovary stimulation

Women will be given hormonal treatments to stimulate ovaries to produce multiple eggs for fertilization. 

Egg retreival process

In this process, the mature eggs from the ovaries will be collected through the thin needle by using ultrasound guidance. The mature eggs will be collected for the fertilization process in the lab.

Preparing and collecting sperm

The sperm will be collected from the male by masturbation or specific condoms at the time of intercourse. In some cases, the sperm will be collected from the donor. After collecting the sperm, it will be moved to the lab for the next process.

Sperm injection process

After the laboratory process, a single sperm will get injected directly towards the cytoplasm with the matured eggs for the fertilization process.

Embryo transfer and culture

The embryos will be developed in the lab and that will be monitored by the doctors. After the proper embryo development then it will be directly injected into the woman’s uterus. By using the catheter the embryos will be transferred through the cervix.

What are the symptoms after ICSI treatment?

Several symptoms may occur after the treatment.


You will get mild cramping, which will feel similar to your menstrual cycle. This is caused due to the intake of hormonal medications at the time of egg retrieval.


After the ICSI treatment, you will get light spotting or bleeding. This is common and should not be compared with your periods. This is caused due to the catheter placed through the cervix for the embryo transfer process.


This is caused by the hormonal medications taken at the time of treatment, which result in abnormal bloating in the abdomen. This feels you with heaviness in your stomach.

Breast tenderness

This is caused by the intake of hormonal medications at the time of treatment. This can make you feel breast tenderness and pain when you touch them. This will be the same as how you will feel during your early periods.


Your hormones will change according to the reaction of your medications, which you undergo at the time of treatment. This can cause increased tiredness and laziness.

OHSS(Ovarian Hyperstimlation Syndrome)

OHSS is a common that affects women after treatment due to the increased ovarian stimulation medication. This will cause pain in the abdomen, rapid weight gain, bloating, fatigue, etc.

Symptoms for pregnancy after ICSI treatment

Below are some symptoms you can expect to experience if you had a positive ICSI treatment.

Signs Time Symptoms
Early signs
Between 1 to 2 weeks
Implantation bleeding
Common signs
Between 2 to 4 weeks
Breast tenderness, Mood swings, Frequent urination, Fatigue, Nausea, and Bloating.
Later signs
After 4 weeks
Missed periods, Basal body temperature, and Food cravings.

Critical Symptoms

Some severe symptoms will cause risk after the ICSI treatment.

Severe pain: If you are facing severe pain in the abdomen, severe cramping, or heavy bleeding, then you have to consult your doctor immediately.

Infections: If you get any other symptoms like severe fever, foul-smelling discharge, or any other infections in the vagina. Then you should meet your doctor immediately.

What is the success rate of ICSI?

The success rate of ICSI varies from different categories like age of the patient, health conditions, cause of infertility, egg and sperm quality, the clinic that they have chosen for treatment and the medications they follow

Age Success rate per cycle
Under 35
40 to 50%
35 to 37
30 to 40%
38 to 40
20 to 30 %
40 and above
10 to 20%

What are the risks and complications that occur after the ICSI treatment?

Several risks and complications affect the mother and also the child after the ICSI.

Common risks at the time of treatment

Egg retrieval: Less than 5% of eggs get a chance of damage during the needle insertion period.

Failed fertilization: Not every egg gets fertilized during fertilization.

Risks that affect the mother

OHSS: This is a common risk that affects the mother after the treatment. It causes Nausea, Bloating, Cramping, Bleeding, and breast tenderness.

Discomfort during egg retrieval: At the time of the egg retrieval process it might cause discomfort and mild cramping.

Infections: Due to the intake of increased hormonal medications, women may get a change of infections in the vagina and a rise in body temperature. 

Risks that affect the baby

Multiple pregnancies: ICSI process combined with IVF, which has a chance of giving multiple birth. This will have a higher chance of risks at the time of delivery.

Birth defects: There is a chance of getting a higher chance of risk for the baby after delivery than compared to naturally born babies. The reason for this is still in the research process.

Sex chromosome abnormalities: There is a higher risk of abnormal chromosomes that affect the child. This is caused due to the men’s infertility which is passed by genetic order, so the child may also get a chance to be affected by it.

What is the Cost of ICSI in India

The treatment cost varies from one hospital to another. It also varies from person to person according to age and health factors.

The cost for a single ICSI cycle

Process Approximate cost
Basic ICSI treatment
1,00,000 to 2,50,000
Advanced ICSI treatment
2,50,000 to 4,00,000
Ovarian stimulation medications
20,000 to 50,000
Embryo freezing
10,000 to 30,000
Genetic testing (if necessary)
50,000 to 1,00,000
Consultation fees
1,000 to 5,000 (single visit)
Donor sperm
30,000 to 50,000
Donor egg
1,00,000 to 2,00,000 or might get higher
Pre-treatment test
10,000 to 30,000

What are the Post-procedure considerations?

You should several steps which would be monitored by your doctor.

Take proper Rest

You should take a complete rest after completing your treatment. Keep your body in rest mode. Taking bed rest is highly appreciated. Avoid doing heavy work that will affect your abdomen. To increase the success rate of your treatment you should take rest for a few days.


Mild exercises like slow walking and yoga will help you be active, and that will not affect fertilization. But you should completely avoid heavy workouts like pushups, weight lifting, running, jogging, fast walking, swimming, jumping, and dancing.

Proper Diet

Maintaining a proper diet will help you to increase the chance of success in the treatment. You can take fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates like whole wheat, and protein-rich foods. You can get a diet chart from your health care doctor which will be helpful to follow as routine.

Avoid eating over-sugared foods, drinks, caffeine, junk food, and uncooked foods. Avoid consuming drugs that will directly affect the pregnancy.


Follow the proper medicines suggested by your doctor. Never skip the medicines at any cause. If you face any other symptoms while taking the medicines then you should immediately meet your fertility doctor.


Self-care is the best thing that everyone should follow. Take plenty of water which will always keep you hydrated. Avoid getting stressed, and keep yourself self-motivated.

Body symptoms

Some women may get slight body symptoms which could be a sign of early pregnancy. But if you experience any other severe symptoms, then you should meet your doctor immediately.

Positive environment

Always have open communication with your partner, family and friends about your emotional feelings. Get some time for relaxing by watching your favourite scenarios and listening to music. Always stay in a positive environment and keep your surroundings engaged.


ICSI is the best fertility treatment that helps many couples who face abnormal infertility issues. It makes many couples attain their parenthood. If you tried many infertility treatments, even if you have a failed IVF, then it’s the right option for you to choose the ICSI treatment.


Those who have severe male infertility problems like low sperm count and poor motility. And those who faced failure in the previous IVF treatment can choose ICSI as their next level.

  • Damage to eggs and sperm
  • Multiple births
  • Abnormal chromosomes childbirth
  • OHSS

This is done due to the individual health condition. However, most single embryos will be transferred for fertilization.

Yes, ICSI can be done with donor eggs or donor sperm. It is done when there is a higher risk of male infertility or genetic factors.

No, it doesn’t guarantee 100% success. The success factor depends on the patient’s age and fertility health.

Picture of Dr. Rukkayal Fathima
Dr. Rukkayal Fathima

Dr Rukkayal Fathima, India's Leading Gynaecologist and the best fertility doctor in Chennai. She has 11+ years of experience and treated 1000+ patients. She finished her M. S., Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Madras Medical College), Chennai. She is a visiting consultant at St. Isabelle Hospital, Motherhood Hospital, Rainbow Hospital & Mehta Hospital. Dr Rukkayal Fathima specialises in Obstetrics care, Early Pregnancy Scan, IVF, ICSI, TESA/Micro TESE, Menopause advice, Gynaecological surgeries and endoscopy. She is a Co-Founder of Hive Fertility, the Best Fertility Center in Chennai.

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