What to eat and what not to eat during periods? This is one of the most frequent questions that many women have during their menstrual cycles.
There are many fruits that people suggest that we can and cannot eat during periods. Papaya is one such fruit. There are mixed opinions regarding eating papaya during pregnancy.
In this article, we’ll analyze whether we can eat papaya during periods and what benefits we can get out of it.
Can We Eat Papaya During Periods?
Yes, you can absolutely eat papayas during your periods. They are very healthy and have numerous benefits while eaten during that time. Papayas, either raw or ripe, have benefits that go past their uses during your menstrual periods.
Papayas have been used to treat menstrual cramps in Indian culture for a long period of time. They have also been known to stimulate the estrogen hormones in your body and induce periods.
If you have been having irregular periods, you would have heard that papayas induce periods and would have tried it at least once in your lifetime. A glass of papaya juice or a cup of papaya during the middle of your period will work wonders on your menstrual flow and manage your period cramps.
What Are The Benefits Of Papaya For Periods?
There are several benefits to eating papaya during your periods. Below are some of the major benefits.
1. Unripe Papaya Helps Regulate Menstrual Cycle
Unripe papaya is very useful in regulating menstrual cycles and inducing periods. It increases estrogen hormones in the body, promotes uterine contractions, and aids the expulsion of endometrial tissues from the uterus.
2. Helpful Antioxidants
Papayas are abundant in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as other nutrients. This improves your overall wellness and helps promote menstruation. The antioxidants present in papayas are a good way to tackle the hormonal imbalance caused by unhealthy lifestyle factors.
3. Papaya Seeds Have A Contraceptive Effect
Did you know? Papaya seeds have been known to have a contraceptive effect on male and female fertility. They can affect your hormone levels and affect implantation.
This can work as a natural contraceptive method if you don’t want to get pregnant and induce your menstruation.
Note: Papaya seeds have also been known to affect male fertility by reducing sperm count. So, be mindful of how many papaya seeds you consume.
4. Contains Helpful Vitamins And Minerals
Papayas are abundant in several vitamins and minerals like folic acid, calcium, potassium, etc. This ensures you get all the essential nutrients and have a healthy body to regulate menstrual cycle.
As we already discussed above, papayas are also good for stimulating the estrogen hormones in your body. This triggers menstruation and helps prevent irregular periods.
How To Eat Raw Papaya For Periods
Do you wish to eat raw papayas to induce periods or control menstrual cramps? Then there are some interesting ways you can have papayas other than just having them as a fruit.
Papaya juice
Blend a cup of raw papaya with a glass of water (add more water to your liking). Add honey or sugar to your taste. Have the juice in the morning or anytime you want.
Papaya shake
Make a delicious raw papaya shake by blending raw papaya, milk, banana, and sugar (you can also add honey if you want). You can also add chia seeds or other toppings to your liking.
Papaya salad
Make a delicious raw papaya salad with the fruits and vegetables that you like and have them as your mid-day snack.
Why Choose Me For Your Period Issues?
Having issues with your menstrual cycle is a serious issue, and not treating it on time can cause complications like infertility. You need to choose the best fertility specialist in your area to accurately diagnose the root cause of your issue and give you the right treatments.
Dr. Rukkayal is one of the best gynecologist and fertility specialist with ample experience handling similar cases. Consulting her will give you the results you need in a short time at an affordable cost.
Papaya is a delicious fruit that you can eat to regulate menstrual cycles and induce periods. You can also have it as a healthy snack you can add to your diet.
If you have serious menstrual issues and natural remedies don’t help you get periods, visit a fertility doctor and get treated immediately. The sooner you treat the issue, the better the results.
Unripe papayas have been known to increase implantation. levels in your body and regulate menstrual cycles. They also cause uterine contractions, which can induce the expulsion of the endometrial tissues from your uterus.
If you want to eat raw papaya to induce periods, eating one papaya a day or two glasses of papaya juice twice a day will do the trick.
Yes, green papayas are good for health and have amazing digestive qualities. They are also full of enzymes that you might not get if you eat them ripe.
However, raw green papayas can harm your esophagus as they contain a chemical called papain. So, limit their intake and take them in moderation.